Autonomous Flight Technologies (AFT) is one of the pioneers of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) industry in Romania, who has been developing and producing aerial platforms, since 2004. Today, AFT is the no.1 Romanian UAV company and one of the top from the Eastern Europe. We deliver complex solutions for civilian applications (our first autopilot was developed in 2006) and for military operations (our first target drone was produced in 2005). In 2017, we achieved NATO recognition for the best STANAG 4609 implementation. Our mission is to be one of the top technology provider in this industry.
Our vision is to minimize the importance of pilot skills of the human factor by providing complex UAV solutions based on highest technologies in a friendly user and intuitive manner.
The success is in the technical details!
Moreover, while AFT is keen on becoming the top technology provider in our industry, we keep the Emphasis on equity, inclusion, diversity, equal opportunities are a prerequisite for success. In response to societal challenges and synergistically with modern European fields of research, the Autonomous Flight Technologies undertakes the responsibility to think and act strategically, in full knowledge of the implications of belonging to a global knowledge-based economy and an open society, inclusive and fair. We proactively intervene to ensure balance and participation in administrative and decision-making, to administrative processes, to policies of transparent and merit-based recruitment, integrating gender and diversity.
The promotion of gender equality and equal opportunities has been an important topic for AFT since the beginning, guaranteeing a gender balance both at the organisational level and within the activities promoted. Indeed, gender considerations are crucial both to AFT’s vision and to the achievement of its mission.
We consider equality to be ‘part of the day job’ and an essential part of building a fair and sustainable future for the social economy.
Gender Equality Plan (GEP) developed at the AFT level presents the organisation vision regarding to gender equality and identifies four thematic areas aimed at strengthening, integration, and promotion the principles of diversity in the activity of research and development. These refer to activities of leadership, training and professional development, digitization and the use of technology to develop a gender-responsive organisation.
The four thematic areas are:
(i) work-life balance and organisational culture;
(ii) gender balance in leadership and decision-making;
(iii) gender equality in recruitment and career progression;
(iv) measures against gender-based violence, including sexual harassment.
Objectives. Values. Principles and courses of action
The primary objective of this GEP is to serve as a tool and framework forenhancing gender equality in the workplace and to enable the integration of gender into organisational practices.
Passion for what we are doing: we all love and respect the flight and aviation.
Motivation: our determination to create impactful innovations.
Focus on technical details: “the lego brick” of our work is the technical detail; each one has the same importance and value.
Confidence in team support: is about self-confidence and more important is about the confidence in the team – our greatest values!
The measures adopted within the present Gender Equality Plan aim to:
- Promote mutual respect and ensure equal opportunities for AFT employees
- Recognize differences as a potential source of development and growth, at both individual as well as organizational level, and to promote and enhance diversity
- Adopt positive measures meant to address and prevent inequalities, promoting both internally and externally values that ensure equal opportunities in RDI.
This Gender Equality Plan (GEP) spells out the organisation’s plan to achieve this goal, its scope and the strategic objectives it wants to achieve over the next three years. It is intended to be a living document that will be updated regularly to accommodate new actions and developments.
Framework for equal opportunities and inclusion
Gender equality is a fundamental value of the European Union and is one of the United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs). Gender equality in research and learning ensures that R&I systems support democratic and equal societies.
Law 202/2002 for Equality of Opportunities between Women and Men
Law 202/2002 is the main sectoral instrument. According to it, the principle of equal opportunities between women and men requires both benefits of equal opportunities as access to education, training, and employment and participation in public and political decision-making. The subsequent national legislation guarantees citizens equal rights to participate in economic and social life, to be educated and trained in a particular profession, and to engage and benefit from social protection in certain situations.
Extended legal framework
- Law 125/2016 on Romania's accession to the European Centre for Interdependence and Global Solidarity, created by Resolution (89)14, adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on October 23, 1993
- Law 66/2016 amending and supplementing OUG 111/2010 on leave and monthly allowance for raising children
- Law 22/2016 for declaring The Women's Day on March 8 and The Men's Day on November 19
- Law 23/2015 for declaring 8 May the Day of Equal Opportunities between Women and Men
- Ordinance 111/2010 on leave and monthly allowance for raising children, with subsequent amendments and completions
- Law 62/2009 for the approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 61/2008 on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment between women and men in the access to and supply of goods and services
- Ordinance 61/2008 on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment between women and men in the access to goods and services and the supply of goods and services, with subsequent amendments and additions
- Ordinance 67 of 27 June 2007 on the application of the principle of equal treatment between men and women in occupational social security schemes
- Ordinance 137/2000 on the prevention and sanctioning of all forms of discrimination, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions
- Law 210/1999 on Paternal Leave
- Decree 342/1981 on the ratification of the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), signed by the General Assembly of the United Nations and formulated in Resolution 34/180 of 18 December 1979, which entered into force on 3 September 1981.
Work-life balance and organisational culture
Promotion and support of an organisational culture and working environment that is inclusive and fair to all genders, facilitating a flexible workplace which enables staff to balance work and life responsibilities.
Measures of Success |
The equality officer will oversee, monitor and promote the implementation of the gender equality strategy and action plan.
Promote the organisation’s image and reputation as an inclusive organisation that supports and values diversity.
Integrate gender inclusion into planning and strategy across the organisation.
Undertake a regular review of flexible work and other relevant policies.
Diagnosis of the needs of persons coming back to work after parental leave, with respect to support from the organisation.
Ensure all staff are aware of the gender equality and related equality policies. |
Incorporate gender equality objectives in AFT’s planning and strategy.
External communication and statements of support for gender equality.
Annual surveys of all staff (including in-house consultants and interns) with a satisfaction score of a minimum of 80% on gender experiences in the workplace: harassment, discrimination, workplace culture and management styles, the results of which are shared with the executive committee.
Carry out consultations and surveys, and publish the results as part of the activities related to the next gender equality plan for AFT.
Create family-friendly policies. Provide options and implement flexible working hours and methods. |
Gender balance in leadership and decision-making
Equal access to and balanced participation of gender diverse individuals in decision-making structures (formal and informal) and ensuring equal chances to develop and advance their careers.
Measures of Success |
Representation of gender diverse individuals in senior positions and in leadership domains.
Review the workforce planning process to ensure gender equality objectives are included.
Promote key stakeholders’, AFT members’ and decision-makers’ engagement with gender equality.
Promote gender inclusive and bias-free recruitment, career progression, and evaluation policy.
Balanced gender representation at events arranged at and by AFT. |
Representation of gender diverse individuals on projects and research activities implemented by AFT.
Having a human resources policy to promote equal career opportunities for all genders.
Training and mentorship program that help employees to accommodate work demands on their return from parental, maternity, or family-related leave.
Include gender awareness in all job specifications.
Formulate recommendations with respect to increasing balanced gender representation at events.
Use social media and a range of other media outlets to create a positive image of successful practices and/or key stakeholders in the social economy engaged in gender equality. |
Gender equality in recruitment and career progression
Equal access to and balanced participation of gender diverse individuals in decision-making structures (formal and informal) and ensuring equal chances to develop and advance their careers.
Measures of Success |
Promote the inclusion of the sex and gender dimension in staff recruitment.
Promote diversity in accessing Management positions.
Mentoring for leadership positions. |
Providing staff with guides and workshops on the integration of equality and diversity in training program design, and learning activities as a teaching and learning support.
Research for best practices and similar trainings regarding soft skills and time management for the employees returning to work.
Providing staff with specific training courses and materials on gender equality.
Communications about training must not be gender-specific “unless the training is specifically designed for a specific gender”. |
Measures against gender-based violence, including sexual harassment.
Preserving and promoting the physical and emotional health, safety and well-being of Employees.
Strategies |
Measures of Success |
Educating staff about different forms of bias and strategies to combat sexual and gender-based harassment.
Working collectively to combat bias and stereotypes.
Providing staff and decision-makers with specific training courses and materials on combating sexual and gender-based violence, gender equality and unconscious gender biases.
Developing an informative kit regarding sexual and moral harassment.
Measuring performance by how well staff address these issues.
Internal research for best practices and case studies regarding sexual or moral harassment informative kits.
Create reporting mechanisms that allow staff to raise concerns, document, and act on gender balance issues they identify. |
General Measures
Following the European Framework Agreement on harassment and violence at work adopted in April of 2007, the following measures are recommended:
- Training and awareness of all staff.
- Declaration of zero tolerance regarding harassment and violence.
- Include examples of specific actions and conducts that can constitute sexual harassment or inappropriate sexual behavior.
- Adopt a specific procedure to analyze harassment claims characterized by the principles of discretion, impartiality, speed in the investigation, and the possibility to rely on external assistance.
- Appoint a Gender Equality Officer to be in charge of the GEP.
- Allow anonymous claims and complaints, following the EU Directive on whistleblowing.
- Adopt disciplinary measures in cases of harassment and violence.
- Offer support for the reintegration of victims to work.
- Implementation through negotiation with workers’ representatives.
- Include measures to prevent sexual harassment, like, for example, trainings for staff.
- Include measures to prevent sexual inappropriate behaviors, that is behaviors that are not sufficiently severe to be sexual harassment but constitutes and inappropriate sexual behavior.]
Monitoring, reporting and evaluation
Implementation of GEP at AFT, progress and achievement of objectives are subject to periodic evaluations. The diversity team meets in regularly to propose specific actions and measures. Reports consists of an annual document that refers to the progress made, based on consultation with the academic community. Results of the consultation allow the elaboration of actions from the following academic year, adjusted organizational and societal context.
Periodic reviews and other documents made by the Diversity Team/Committee enable continuous improvement of measures and growth effectiveness of GEP. All operate with qualitative and quantitative information, such as updates to disaggregated HR data by gender, to track the implementation of key actions.
Annual progress report on equality by gender is presented to the management for approval and communicated the entire organisation through available information channels (official institutional mail, electronic platforms) and in face-to-face meetings.
For monitoring and evaluation implementation of actions and results associated with domains in GEP, AFT has in view a set of progress indicators allow tracking the evolution of actions planned and adjusting aspirations.
A full interim evaluation of the GEP will be carried out in the first months of 2024 through an internal survey and data analysis collected.
Final evaluation will be done at the end 2025, and the Gender Equality Pan will be updated. This assessment will allow the design of a second version a GEP, anchored by new challenges and following new aspirations.
Dissemination Strategy
Dissemination strategy of the Gender Equality Plan for Autonomous Flight Technologies include the following actions:
- Publish the Gender Equality Plan in the institution’s internal website, signed by high management.
- Information campaign among workforce, identifying different dissemination actions and channels of communication to inform workers about the Gender Equality Plan and specific measures adopted.
- Training on the implementation of Gender Equality Plans directed to Gender Equality Officer, relevant management, and staff of each partner institution.
- Dissemination among external stakeholders.